### 4.2.0 Update: Contao 4.9 LTS compatibility ### 4.1.1 Update: Revert changes in js_revoslider_default issue #164 (#169) ### 4.1.0 Update: js_revoslider_default: Initialize slider with mobile screen width on mobile devices (default: 767px) (#164) ### 4.0.0 Added: tl_content.useSVG and handle SVG images in RS Image element (#161) Fixed: Wrong variable name in PCT\RevolutionSlider\SlideFactory Update: Loading of resources have been moved to revoslider_default template (#156) Update: Load resources in ce_revolutionslider_video only when it is a standalone video content element Update: Set tl_revolutionslider.jsTemplate default "js_revoslider_default"; Update: tl_revolutionslider.overlay tl_class w50 (#158) Update: Compatibility update for next Contao LTS (#157) Update: tl_revolutionslider_slides.singleSRC is now mandatory Removed: config.php: $GLOBALS['REVOLUTIONSLIDER']['scripts'], $GLOBALS['REVOLUTIONSLIDER']['scripts'], $GLOBALS['REVOLUTIONSLIDER']['rs_plugin'], $GLOBALS['REVOLUTIONSLIDER']['rs_css'], $GLOBALS['REVOLUTIONSLIDER']['css'] Update: General code updates and improvements Removed: Support for Contao < 3.5 (#159) Removed: Runeonce.php ### 3.2.0 Update: ce_revolutionslider_video: HTML5 attribute "muted" will be added to <video> element when video is set to autoplay (#154) Update: js_revoslider_default: Removed the "z-index workaround" (#152) Update: Removed m12 DCA class from tl_content.revolutionslider_text_italic (#153) ### 3.1.4 Update: Remove deprecated text/javascript tags from html5 templates (#149) ### 3.1.3 Update: PHP 7.2 compatibility (#147) Update: Put constants in quotations for php 7.2 ### 3.1.2 Fixed: Wrong class name for \RevolutionSlider\Models\Slides ### 3.1.1 Fixed: New sliders, slides where not added to user, user_group rights (#140) Fixed: Right fields need tl_class clr (#141) Fixed: tl_pct_revolutionslider_slides.bgposition needs tl_class w50 under Contao 4 ### 3.1.0 Update: Contao 4.4 ready (no changes) (#137) ### 3.0.1 Update: Transifex language files ### 3.0.0 Fixed: Respect content element CSS ID as individual slider identifier Fixed: Use "revolutionslider_data_start_OUT" as data-end value to allow timed outgoing animations Update: Minor changes on default effect values Update: Use models (#130) Update: Added rgxp for numeric fields Remove: RevolutionSlider\Core\Factory::byId Remove: RevolutionSlider\Core\SlideFactory::byId ### 2.5.5 Fixed: Hide RS content elements in regular articles only Update: Enable the relative position feature for any content element using $GLOBALS['REVOLUTIONSLIDER']['alwaysShowPos9Grid'] = true; ### 2.5.4 Update: Added styling to avoid "blinking" when slider loads (#126) Update: Sort slider select alphabetically (#128) ### 2.5.3 Change: Backend label ce_revolutionslider_text.bold ### 2.5.2 Fixed: Outgoing animations will not start (#122) Update: ce_revolutionslider_image to use the picture feature Update: js_revoslider_default (#123) ### 2.5.1 Update: Bring fallback to \String class when \StringUtil does not exist in the environment ### 2.5.0 New: The RevolutionSlider Video content element can now be used standalone (#118) Update: Include iframe parameter "allowfullscreen" when external video is checked for fullscreen ### 2.4.0 Fixed: A permission issue when duplicating existing sliders or slides (#113) Added: Invisible legend in RevolutionSlider content element Added: Support data-state for toggle fields Added: PHP7 support Update: forceFullWidth:"off" in js_revoslider_default template ### 2.3.8 Update: Remove the loadDataContainer call from tl_revolutionslider_slides.php ### 2.3.7 Fixed: Wrong jquery selector in js_revoslider_default Template Fixed: Use the Slider ID instead of a timestamp to create an individual selector ### 2.3.6 Fixed: ContentElements not showing in Frontend when Contao Debug mode is active Update: Place the javascript on the body end using $GLOBALS['TL_JQUERY'] ### 2.3.5 Fixed: Start outgoing animations correctly (#107) Update: Change fieldtypes from integer to varchar for decimal values (#108) Update: Use the meta-information title as alt attribute and title attribute in slide background image (#106) ### 2.3.4 Added: Workaround bugfix for z-index issue in slider javascript (#104) ### 2.3.3 Fixed: Missing semicolon in styles.css (#102) Fixed: Removed the second class="" attribute in ce_revolutionslider_hyperlink.html5 (#101) Update: Hide revolutionslider_ fields also in overrideAll mode when outside the module (#98) Update: Nicer html structure (#100) ### 2.3.2 Update: Support for responsive images in Contao (#95) Update: Slider selection in tl_content is now a select field Update: Load jquery from CDN if not added via page layout ### 2.3.1 Update: Show all sliders when user has rights to create and no specific slider is selected (#92) Update: Show all slides when user has rights to create and no specific slide is selected (#92) Update: Added permission check for action "show" in slides (#92) ### 2.3.0 Added: tl_revolutionslider.stopAtSlide, tl_revolutionslider.stopAfterLoops in Slider settings Added: tl_revolutionslider.startWithSlide (support with rs-plugin 4.6.4) Update: Themepunch revolution slider script to 4.6.4 Update: Hide the singleSRC (preview image) field when video source is external ### 2.2.11 Fixed: The linktoslide value must be index of the slide not the contao id Added: Show 9-grid-relative position field for RS elements (#89) Added: Image size field in slide settings (#88) ### 2.2.10 Fixed: Missing object instance in TableContent.php ### 2.2.9 Added: RevolutionSlider Text Element (#80) Added: tl_content.customTpl support für Contao 3.4 (#80) Added: RevolutionSlider Image Element (#80) Added: tl_content.revolutionslider_text_italic Added: RevolutionSlider Hyperlink Element (#84) Update: tl_revolutionslider field definitions (#83) Update: tl_revolutionslider_slide field definitions (#80) Update: tl_content field defintions (#79) Removed: tl_revolutionslider.pid,.source (#80) ### 2.2.8 Fixed: Added models classes (Contao expects for any custom table definition a single models class file) (#74) Fixed: Outgoing animations have no effect or wrong effect (#76) ### 2.2.7 Fixed: An issue with two or more identical sliders on one page (#72) ### 2.2.6 Added: Add tp-resizeme class to nested elements (#70) Update: Update the style.css (#69) ### 2.2.5 Update: Remove tp-resizeme class (#67) ### 2.2.4 Fixed: Wrong field name in dca/tl_user for revolutionslidersp rights field Update: Allow editing sliders when user has right to create (#61) Added: English language files (#64) ### 2.2.3 Added: Fullscreen video option in video element (#59) Fixed: Fullscreen video options (#58) ### 2.2.2 Fixed: ContentRevolutionSliderVideo compiled twice (#53) Fixed: Apply split text only when customin/customout option is set Added: API param to video url to make the player accessible for js (#49) Added: Boxed mode for videos (#52) Update: Removed xhtml templates (#50) Update: Do not force full width in repsonsive mode (#51) Update: More structured video palettes in backend Update: Remove restrictions like content elements to chose from due to bundled version Update: Set default value to 0 for skew options (#56) ### Version 2.2.1 Fixed: Wrong/old path to editHeader icon (#42) Fixed: Wrong variable name for ken burns scaling Added: Documentation and expamples (#43) Added: Noise effect as overlay (#46) Added: Controls Checkbox in rs video elements to enable html5 controls (#45) Added: Loop attribute in videos as checkbox option (#46) Added: Error message when browser does not support html5 video tag Update: <track> Element in _video templates is now optional ### Version 2.2.0 Update: Update rs-plugin to 4.6 (#37) ### Version 2.1.1 Added: REVOLTIONSLIDER_PATH constant Update: Changed paths to be build with constant ### Version 2.1.0 Update: Rename extension to pct_revolutionslider (#30) ### Version 2.0.1 Fixed: Fallback transition in slides when no individual transition is set in the slide Fixed: Wrong value used for data-masterspeed ### Version 2.0.0 Fixed: Autoplay for videos (#8) Fixed: Missing effect palettes in rs video element (#11) Fixed: Fixed a right issue when editing the content of a slide (#14) Fixed: Hide rs fields in editAll mode when not in the backend module (#15) Fixed: Handle data-elementdelay correctly (#16) Fixed: Fullscreen support in video templates (#17) Fixed: Missing alt tag in transparent.png img element (#22) Fixed: Invalid html when using percentage values in video element (#24) Fixed: Invalid html poster tag should not be empty (#25) Fixed: Missing content elements when duplicating slides or sliders (#27) Added: fullScreenOffsetContainer in slider settings when slider is in fullscreen mode (#12) Added: More background options in slide settings (image,colored,transparent) Added: Overlay grafic in slider settings Added: New animation options: z-translation, rotation, perspective, opacity, skew, split (texteffects) Added: Kens Burns effect in selection Added: Define outgoing animations separably Added: Shuffle option in slider settings Added: Real boxed mode (#19) Added: preload="true" attribute in video templates (#22) Added: documentation and example files (#18) Added: Workaround to fix a script bug that created an unwanted duplicate of a split text element when using compressed markup Update: New, cleaner interface in tl_content palette Update: Allow all slider format options, not just responsive (#9) Update: Allow only local videos when slider runs in fullscreen mode (#12) Update: Js-Plugin Version: 4.5.2 Update: More minor bugfixes and template updates ### Version 1.2 Fixed: Missing content elements when duplicating slides or sliders (#27) ### Version 1.1 (2014-04-29) Added: Support for new revolutionslider plugin script (#7) Update: The GLOBALS array for the main rs script sources is now a multisize array: $GLOBALS['REVOLUTIONSLIDER']['scripts'] ### Version 1.0 (< 2014-04-29)